Source code for muesr.i_o.xsf.xsf

import os
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
from copy import deepcopy

from muesr.settings import config

from muesr.i_o.xsf.xsfio import *
from muesr.i_o.xsf.xsfrun import *

from muesr.core.sampleErrors import MuonError
from muesr.core.parsers import *
from muesr.core.ninput import ninput
from muesr.core.nprint import nprintmsg

from muesr.core.cells import get_simple_supercell

[docs]def load_xsf(sample, filename): """ Loads structural data from Xcrysden Files in sample object. WARNING: this will reset all current muon positions, magnetic definitions, and the symmetry definition. :param sample: a sample object. :param str filename: the filename :return: True if succeful, False otherwise :rtype: bool :raises: TypeError """ try: fname = str(filename) except: raise TypeError atoms = read_xsf(fname) if atoms: sample._reset(cell=True,sym=True,magdefs=True,muon=True) sample.cell = atoms return True else: nprint ("Atoms not loaded!", 'warn') return False
[docs]def save_xsf(sample, filename, supercell=[1,1,1], addMuon=True): """ Export structure to XCrysDen. :param sample: a sample object. :param str filename: path of the destination file. :param list supercell: a list containig the number of replica along the three lattice parameters :param bool addMuon: if true, adds the muon positions (if any) in the central unit cell :return: True if succeful, False otherwise :rtype: bool :raises: CellError, TypeError """ if type(supercell) != list: raise TypeError("supercell must be a list") if len(filename) == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid filename.") sc = get_simple_supercell(sample, supercell) if (not sc is None) and addMuon: try: for m in sample.muons: spos_m = [ (m[0] + int(supercell[0]/2)) / supercell[0], (m[1] + int(supercell[1]/2)) / supercell[1], (m[2] + int(supercell[2]/2)) / supercell[2] ] sc.extend(symbol="mu",scaled_position=(spos_m)) except MuonError: pass if not sc is None: write_xsf(filename,sc) return True else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot build (super)cell for display.") return False