Source code for


from muesr.core.magmodel import MM, have_sympy
if have_sympy:
    from muesr.core.magmodel import SMM

from muesr.core.parsers import *
from muesr.core.nprint  import nprint, nprintmsg, print_cell
from muesr.core.ninput  import *
from muesr.core.cells  import get_cell_parameters

import numpy as np


[docs]def mago_set_k(sample, kvalue=None, mm=None): """ Set propagation with respect to the conventional reciprocal cell kavalue : propagation vector (either string or tuple or list), if None, input is prompetd mm : Magnetic Model to be used. If None the current magnetic model is used returns: None """ if mm is None: smm = else: smm = mm if sample._check_lattice(): if not kvalue is None: if isinstance(kvalue, np.ndarray) and ( kvalue.shape == (3,)): smm.k = kvalue return True else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for kvalue. Must be 3D vector defined as numpy array.") else: try: if kvalue is None: kval=ninput('Propagation vector (w.r.t. conv. rec. cell): ', parse_vector) else: kval = parse_vector(kvalue,3) except EOFError: nprint("Ok.") return False except TypeError: nprint("Cannot parse position.",'warn') return smm.k=np.array(kval,dtype=np.float) return True
[docs]def mago_add(sample, coordinates='b-c', fcs=None, kvalue=None): """ Adds a magnetic model (fourier components and K vector). The order is automatically selected if succesfully added. :param sample: A sample object. :param string coordinates: coordinates system and units of the Fourier components. Options are: 'b-c', 'b/a-l', 'b-l'. b-c : Fourier components in Bohr magnetons and Cartesian coordinates. b/a-l: Fourier components in Bohr magnetons/Angstrom and lattice coordinates. b-l : Fourier components in Bohr magnetons and in lattice coordinates. :param np.complex fcs: Fourier components in coordinate system (default: Bohr magnetoc/ Cartesian coordinates) :param np.ndarray kvalue: Propagation vector in r.l.u. :returns: True if successful, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ nmm = MM(sample.cell.get_number_of_atoms(),sample.cell.get_cell()) ret = mago_set_k(sample, mm=nmm, kvalue=kvalue) if not ret: return False ret = mago_set_FC(sample, mm=nmm, inputConvention=coordinates, fcs=fcs) if not ret: return False = nmm return True
[docs]def mago_set_FC(sample, fcs = None, atoms_types = None, mm=None, inputConvention='b-c'): """ Defines fourier components for the unit cell. """ sample._check_lattice() if mm is None: smm = else: smm = mm inputConvEnum = -1 if inputConvention.lower() in ['bohr-cartesian', 'b-c']: nprint('Fourier components in Bohr magnetons and Cartesian coordinates.') inputConvEnum = 0 elif inputConvention.lower() in ['bohr/angstrom-lattice', 'b/a-l']: nprint('Fourier components in Bohr magnetons/Angstrom and lattice coordinates.') inputConvEnum = 1 elif inputConvention.lower() in ['bohr-lattice','b-l']: nprint('Fourier components in Bohr magnetons and lattice coordinates.') inputConvEnum = 2 else: nprint('Invalid Fourier Description method: ' + inputConvention.lower() ,'error.') return False if not fcs is None: smm.fc_set(fcs, inputConvEnum) return True unit_cell = sample._cell lattice = unit_cell.get_cell() if atoms_types is None: atoms_types=ninput('Which atom? (enter for all): ').split() if atoms_types == []: set_this_fc = lambda x: True else: atoms_types = [x.lower() for x in atoms_types] #lowercase set_this_fc = lambda x: x.lower() in atoms_types # Print where they are print_cell(unit_cell,set_this_fc) fcs = np.zeros([unit_cell.get_number_of_atoms(),3],dtype=np.complex) gotEOS = False for i, atom in enumerate(unit_cell): try: if set_this_fc(atom[0]): # check if we should set this fc FCin = ninput_mt("FC for atom %i %s (3 real, [3 imag]): " % (i+1,atom[0]), parse_complex_vector) fcs[i]=[FCin[j]+1.j*FCin[j+3] for j in range(3)] else: # 0 is always 0, no matter the input format! ;) fcs[i]=([0.+0.j,0.+0.j,0.+0.j]) except EOFError: gotEOS = True break if gotEOS: nprint('Nothing set') return False else: smm.fc_set(fcs, inputConvEnum) return True