Source code for muesr.utilities.visualize

from muesr.settings import config
from muesr.i_o.xsf import save_xsf
import os, subprocess, warnings

[docs]def show_structure(sample, supercell=[1,1,1], askConfirm=True, block=True, visualizationTool=''): """ Creates a supercell and shows it in XCrysDen or VESTA. This function only works interactively. WARNING: this can potentially harm your system! :param sample: a sample object. :param list supercell: a list containig the number of replica along the three lattice parameters :param bool askConfirm: for CLI, ask for confirmation before running XCrysDen :param bool block: the visualization program is forked if block=False, only works on unix :param str visualizationTool: the preferred application for visualization. Valid values are 'X', 'XCrySDen', 'V' or 'VESTA'. The selection is case insensitive. If missing, any available application will be used. :return: True if succeful, False otherwise :rtype: bool :raises: TypeError """ if type(supercell) != list: raise ValueError("Supercell must be list") if type(supercell[0]) != int or \ type(supercell[1]) != int or \ type(supercell[2]) != int: warnings.warn("supercell parameters must be integers. Conversion forced.") supercell[0] = int(supercell[0]) supercell[1] = int(supercell[1]) supercell[2] = int(supercell[2]) if supercell[0] <= 0 or supercell[1] <= 0 or supercell[2] <= 0: raise ValueError("supercell dimension must be a positive integer.") ans = True if askConfirm and (supercell[0]>5 or \ supercell[1]>5 or supercell[2]>5): try: ans = ninput('Are you sure?! [y/N]', parse_bool) except EOFError: return False if visualizationTool=='': visualizationTool = config.DefaultVisualizationApp if ans: save_xsf(sample, os.path.join(config.XCrysTmp,'preview.xsf'),supercell=supercell) if visualizationTool.lower() in ['x', 'xcrysden']: return True if run_xcrysden(os.path.join(config.XCrysTmp,'preview.xsf'),block) else \ run_vesta(os.path.join(config.XCrysTmp,'preview.xsf'),block) elif visualizationTool.lower() in ['v', 'vesta']: return True if run_vesta(os.path.join(config.XCrysTmp,'preview.xsf'),block) else \ run_xcrysden(os.path.join(config.XCrysTmp,'preview.xsf'),block) else: warnings.warn("Visualization tool not found.") return False else: return False
[docs]def run_xcrysden(fname, block=True): if config.XCrysExec == None: warnings.warn("XCrysDen executable not found. Check configs.") return False spargs = dict( args = [config.XCrysExec, "--xsf", fname], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) if not block: if == 'posix': spargs['preexec_fn'] = os.setpgrp elif == 'nt': spargs['creationflags'] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP p = subprocess.Popen(**spargs) if block: out, err = p.communicate() return True
[docs]def run_vesta(fname, block=True): if config.VESTAExec == None: warnings.warn("VESTA executable not found. Check configs.") return False spargs = dict( args = [config.VESTAExec, fname], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) if not block: if == 'posix': spargs['preexec_fn'] = os.setpgrp elif == 'nt': spargs['creationflags'] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP p = subprocess.Popen(**spargs) if block: out, err = p.communicate() return True